Stone Creek Parking Map

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Stone Creek Parking Rules changes, effective 22-Nov-2023:

At the Oct 5th HOA Board meeting we created a summary of parking changes.  All changes below are open for future discussion by Board but most are required of Stone Creek due to Town of Avon Short Term Rental (STR) requirements.  Some are required to correct current parking lot issues.
Actions taken that put us in compliance with STR regulations by (TOA) Town Of Avon:
  1. Restripe and number SC Condominium parking lot in white.
  2. SC Owners provided document/s to be included within their STR / LTR agreements for renter signature that call out parking rules and consequences. The recommended document highlights that towing is a likely outcome if rules not followed. Owner is ultimately accountable for renter awareness of rules / regs.
  3. Develop and install for all TOA STR owners a stake in front middle of parking spot signage that denotes specific unit parking location.  Signage to identify Unit # and that unauthorized parking will result in towing.
  4. Create and place in 2-3 locations around Stone Creek, a SC Condominiums Parking Map, a draft of which is below and similar types are widely seen around Vail and Avon:
  5. We have created two (2) “Short Term Parking” spots, with specific signage inserted in front of both short-term spots, noting there is a “4-hour parking limit, no parking past 11pm, violators subject to towing.” The Board reserves the right to install a surveillance camera to monitor Owner compliance if issues persist.
  6. All owners are to register their vehicles with HOA. No more than 2 vehicles can be registered both of which must be licensed and operable.  Owners with STR’s / LTR’s need to ensure their renters have a hangtag on the dash / rear view mirror. Hangtag will identify which unit the STR / LTR is residing. Hangtags will be made available late November, 2023.
  7. SC Owners to ensure parking for no more than 2 vehicles. Exception only for episodic, special events as noted in updated Rules / Regulations.
  8. Loading / unloading in front of unit is permitted for a period not to exceed 60 minutes, during daylight hours and early evening (e.g. till 11pm). After 11pm, any vehicle in front of a unit is subject to be towed.
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